Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Government's Shield

"America is a country of a sword and a shield," said Amy Goodman at her speech Sunday night.

Recently I've been looking into the living conditions and life quality of places other than America, because the more and more I dive into independent media outlets such as Goodman's Democracy Now!, the more I question the system I've lived in my whole life.

America is precisely a sword and a shield; the sword owned by our country used for reasons we are not aware of due to the shield that's blinding us––that being our government, mainstream media, etc.

In Yuxing Zheng's "Bloggers might be excluded from Oregon's executive sessions," President of Open Oregon Judson Randall says that in the county's media policy an issue is raised regarding the governments right to legitimize a media organization or reporter. He then quotes, "The government shouldn't be controlling the media."

Nonetheless, we all know that to some extent, the government has a say in what is talked about in mainstream media corporations.

The Internet, and independent online sources such as Democracy Now! is the only path to the real truth, and the actual story. From people like Amy Goodman to avid bloggers, I've realized the best thing we have in journalism today is the government's lack of control over our Internet.

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